
Friday, April 22, 2011


Once again.... like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. And unfortunately, there is just not enough sand in the hourglass each day!

I really need to talk to God about adding a few hours to each day. But then again, I probably still wouldn't sleep, I would just fill those added hours with more things that I need to get done.

My life has taken a drastic turn in the last month. God has provided me with an opportunity that is a life long dream.

I love to write! I write about anything and everything. And now, I am a staff writer for The name is self-explanatory.

I am having the time of my life!

With this addition in my life, I am still writing, I just do not make it here to write as often as I had previously.

For anyone who has kept up with this blog, I still continue to pray daily for Congresswoman Giffords and her husband; for this country; for our President; and for the nation and people of Israel.

I pray that you will join me on the other site. With the news that is happening on almost an hourly basis, you will never be lacking for something to read!

Lord God, I pray for Congresswoman Giffords and her husband. I pray that You will continue to keep them in the safety of Your loving arms.

Today is Good Friday. I am so thankful for your sacrifice for our salvation. I pray that You will use me to reflect Your light of salvation to the world.

I pray these things in Jesus Name- Amen.

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