
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I read an article today that reminded me how often I let life and my emotions get in the way of the calling God has on my life.

Michael Reagan, son of President and Nancy Reagan, is encouraging all Christians to pray for President Obama.

I pray for this country every day. I pray for all of our leaders, as well as the citizens of this great nation. Well, it would be more accurate to say I try to pray for all of our leaders every day. I sincerely pray that President Obama, as well as the other leaders of this nation, will open their eyes and see the damage they are doing. I believe in miracles. However, I also know that God does not make us do anything we are not willing to do. It is hard for me to believe that President Obama will have a change of heart, but it is my prayer that he will.

Things have become so volatile in our nation over the last two years.  I believe President Obama could be the best president this nation has ever seen. I believe that he truly could unite this nation in a way no other President has in our nation's history. It makes me sad to see that he is not taking this road, instead, he is taking the road to further divide the people of this nation rather than uniting us like we have never been before.

It was a great reminder to me today to read this challenge from Michael Reagan. I often let my frustration get the better of me and I forget that President Obama needs my prayers, as well as the prayers of the other Christians of this nation, like we've never prayed before.

The Bible tells us to pray about everything. We are told to pray especially for our enemies. President Obama referred to Conservatives as the "enemy" of liberals in the last election campaign (2010). I have not heard him "take it back", so I am assuming he still believes that Conservatives are his enemy. I must obey God's Word, and pray for him. So much of his actions are contrary to what I believe. I pray that President Obama will rise above his personal feelings and be the leader of ALL people of this nation. He was elected to represent ALL Americans, not just those on the political left. A true leader rises above the personal emotions and represents the people- not the special interests.

Lord God, please forgive me for not praying every single day for President Obama. Whether or not he truly sees Conservatives as his enemy or not is not my concern at this moment. Right now I am mostly concerned about this nation, our leaders, the citizens of this nation, and the path we are on. I pray that blind eyes will be opened and hardened hearts will be softened. I pray that the people of this nation will see that You are our only Hope.

I continue to pray for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. I pray that she will continually get stronger as she heals. I look forward to the day she walks onto the floor of Congress and resumes her rightful place. Bless her and keep her Heavenly Father.

I pray all these things in the precious Name of Jesus- Amen.

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