
Friday, April 1, 2011


"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11 (NIV)

One day, every knee WILL bow, and every tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. For me, it will be the most awaited day of all of my life. To be at the feet of my Jesus, loving Him, honoring Him, praising Him. For others, it will not be such a glorious day. I pray for these people.

I do not believe that these people have long to wait. I am so excited for that! Daily, the news points to that coming day when this scripture will come true:

"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
Revelation 19:11-16

Oh Glorious Day!

People get ready! Jesus is coming! He is not willing that any should perish!

Lord, every day time grows shorter and shorter. While people have been saying this for thousands of years, and it still may be a long time in our view, we never know when we will breathe our last breath. I pray that You will open blinded eyes and soften hardened hearts.

I continue to pray for Congresswoman Giffords. I read a tweet today saying that she may run for Senate. Nothing has come out officially, but if this is even being discussed then it appears as though things are looking absolutely amazing for her! All glory, honor and praise be to You, Jesus, for the miracle in her life. I also continue to pray that the man that acted out this heinous attack will be given justice. Please do not allow political correctness to prevent justice in this.

I pray for President Obama. Lord, I get so angry! Please help me to not sin in my anger, where it concerns the man that is our president. I continue to pray that he will humble his heart before You, Jesus.

I pray for this nation. I pray that people will wake up and stand up for what is right. I believe many people have, but there are still too many who are complacent.

I pray for the nation of Israel. Protect her and bless her beyond measure.

I praise You for the mighty work You have done in my life. If it were not for my faith in You, I do not believe I would be alive today. Thank You for never giving up on me!

I pray all of these things in the precious Name of my Savior Jesus Christ- Amen.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


There are some days that I find very conflicting in my spirit. Today is one of those days!

I've become involved with a project that I am very proud to be a part of. As always, it is my consistent prayer that God will use me in every aspect of my life. Without a doubt I know that this project is not only an avenue that God is using me in, He is also blessing me tremendously!

So I am sure you are probably wondering why my spirit would be conflicted.

As a believer in Christ, and a believer in the pre-trib rapture, I see how the world is shaping up around us. I know that time is so very short before the world literally explodes into the worst time in history known to mankind- The Tribulation. Now, if you do not believe in prophecy, end times, the rapture and such, that is your prerogative. But, I hold fast to God's promises for those who believe in Him.

So here I am- so very frustrated with the way things are going on in our country and the world. I so long for the day that all this is over, and I am worshipping my King Jesus! Yet, I am so very blessed and excited to be able to use my talents for a worthy cause.

On days like this I have to just rest in the fact that the Lord reigns. He is in control of all things.

One of my favorite Scriptures is Psalm 97. It is a testament of God's mighty power. He is in control.

One of my favorite songs is by Michael W. Smith, "Let It Rain".

As I have already mentioned, on of the things I love to think about is the return of Christ, sounding the trumpet to call His bride home. And here in one video is all of these things put together. Yes, The Lord indeed reigns! In Him I put my trust!

The Lord Reigns

Psalm 97
1 The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad;
let the distant shores rejoice.
2 Clouds and thick darkness surround him;
righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
3 Fire goes before him
and consumes his foes on every side.
4 His lightning lights up the world;
the earth sees and trembles.
5 The mountains melt like wax before the LORD,
before the Lord of all the earth.
6 The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
and all the peoples see his glory.
7 All who worship images are put to shame,
those who boast in idols—
worship him, all you gods!
8 Zion hears and rejoices
and the villages of Judah are glad
because of your judgments, O LORD.
9 For you, O LORD, are the Most High over all the earth;
you are exalted far above all gods.
10 Let those who love the LORD hate evil,
for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
11 Light is shed upon the righteous
and joy on the upright in heart.
12 Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous,
and praise his holy name.

Lord God, help me to not be distracted by all that is going on in the world. It will be as You intend, in Your perfect timing.

I continue to pray for Congresswoman Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. Please give them the peace and assurance that You are in control and reign majestically upon Your throne.

I pray for this nation. We continue to slip into a very dark abyss. Please have mercy on this nation.

I pray for our president. Humble him before You, Lord God.

I pray for the nation and people of Israel. Please comfort her always and assure her people that You reign upon Your throne and that Your covenant with them is forever and ever!

I pray all of these things in the Name of Jesus Christ- Amen.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This will be another one of those short and sweet posts.

There is so much hurt and pain going on in the world right now. I pray for all of these needs.

I pray for Congresswoman Giffords healing. She has made much progress, and I continue to pray for complete healing.

I pray for the healing of this nation. I know it will take the humbling of this nation for this to even be possible. With God, ALL things are possible!

I pray for healing in Israel. So much pain has come to this beautiful nation. Heal the land of Israel, Lord God, I beg of You!

I pray for healing for the brokenhearted.

I pray for sleep for the insomniacs.

I pray for healing of those who have endured persecution. Lord God, You tell us in Your Word that we will be hated for Your Name Sake. (Luke 21:17) Keep these hurting souls strong in You, Lord God. Love them and protect their hurts though their bodies are attacked.

I pray for healing for the women who have chosen abortion. The lie from Satan is that no one is hurt. This is a deception from the pits of hell! Not only is a life ended by aborting the child, but the emotional pain caused to these women is a deep wound that needs Your healing touch, Lord God.

I pray for our president. He seems to have so much bitterness and anger. Whatever the source of his hatred for the nation he leads comes from, I pray that You will heal him from those hurts. He says that he loves this country, but actions speak louder than words, Lord God.

We all need Your loving touch of healing in our lives.

I pray these things in the precious Name of Jesus- Amen.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Yesterday I took my girls out for the day with me. We went to get their hair cut, stopped in a couple of different places to pick up some things I needed, picked up snow cones for everyone and headed home.

As we were driving around, music playing, the two girls singling along with the music, my 9-year-old asked me, "Mom, when he is singing about the angel of light is he talking about Satan?"

This is one of those moments as a Mommy where you just have to smile in amazement! Yes, she actually gets it! I told her yes, that's exactly who it was talking about, what made her realize that. She told me that when he was singing about "you lied from the beginning" she knew it couldn't be God because God doesn't want us to lie. Ahhhh, the beauty of innocence!

The song we were listening to is "Angel of Light" by Petra. You never know what will be the one thing that helps someone understand something, whether they are a child or adult.

After this question we had a long discussion about how Satan presents himself to us as light when in reality he is darkness. It was a great conversation- one I will never forget! It's the one moment in time where I know without a doubt she gets it! It is the answer to the prayers of this mommy's heart!

Little could I have known that at that very moment we, as a family, were caught up in the deception of The Angel of Light.

Rather than going into further detail here I am simply going to add the link to the article I posted on the other site I contribute to. If you want to know the rest of the story, please click this link: Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire

Lord God, I thank You for revealing the Truth in the deceptions of the Angel of Light. Please continue to protect my family from the enemy. I know he seeks to steal, kill and destroy every single one of us. I pray that You will place Your arms of protection around all of our lives and souls.

I pray tonight for Congresswoman Giffords. Protect her from any lies that Satan is telling her. Help her to hold on to Your truth in her healing and recovery.

I pray for this nation. I pray that we as a nation will have our blinded eyes opened to the lies of Satan. So many have fallen for his lies. He is stealing, killing and destroying this nation. I pray that the people will wake up!

I pray for President Obama! There are so many lies that encircle his administration! I pray that You will shine Your light of Truth on all aspects of this presidency and his entire administration. I pray also for all of our elected leaders. There are many lies intertwined throughout our entire government system. Both parties- Republicans and Democrats- are guilty of lying to us and each other in leadership. I pray that Your light of Truth will shine on all of our elected officials.

I pray for the nation and people of Israel. Hold them safe in Your arms of love and protection. Guide them to Your Light of Truth.

I pray all of these things in the precious Name of Your Son Jesus Christ- Amen.

Performed by Petra
Words and music by Bob HartmanCity lights are flashing, they call you to the streets
Hearts are filled with passion in everyone you meet
The Boulevard is waiting, it wants to get you high
Neon signs are waiting to sell you anything you want to buy
But I know your devices, it shouldn't seem so odd
You lied from the beginning, I see through your facade

Angel of light, I see you glow in the night
But you only bring darkness to my soul
Angel of light, You're telling me wrong is right
I won't let you're evil take control

They follow in your footsteps not knowing that you fell
Bumper to bumper on the freeway to hell
You lead them into wrong and you make it look so right
You lead them into darkness and make them think you lead them into light
But I know where you're going, too bad you're not alone
If it wasn't for the real light I might have never known

You got the clergy working overtime to widen the narrow way
You've got politicians everywhere listening to what you say
You've got false apostles teaching lies perverting the only way
You've got principalities and powers waiting to obey
You've got philosophies and vain deceits lying to deceive
You've got hate, and greed, ungodly lusts in the deadly web you weave
Somehow you've got so many thinking you're not even there
One look is all it takes to get them blinded by your glare


I love music. And when I like a song, you know it. Yes, I am one of "those" who will play a song over and over and over. I have literally had one song on perpetual "repeat" for weeks at a time. It drives my husband crazy.
Some time ago, I was listening to a sermon online by Dr. David Jeremiah. Before the sermon started, the choir at his church sang a song that drew me in. It's just one of those songs you cannot get out of your head. So, I went searching. It's not a highly popular song, so I have not really been able to find a decent recording of it. Oh, how I wish I could have a copy of his church choir singing it!

I will enclose the lyrics of the song, as well as a YouTube video of it at the end of this post.

In listening to the song I began to think about the words and the meaning of them in my life. I guess that is one reason why it hit me the way it did.

Putting all this in perspective in another way is the fact that I am doing my Spring Cleaning. If you read my previous post you know that it has turned into a completely different project this year than it has any other year.

I- we-  my family... has all this STUFF! So much of it there is absolutely no purpose or reason for having it. It is just here, occupying space, and in some instances, actually getting in the way.

I am actually a very sentimental person. After my first husband's suicide I went through counseling and Survivors of Suicide group therapy. One thing that I realized through that process and my overall healing is that all the stuff is not the memories. The memories last forever. The stuff is just that... stuff!

Another thing I came to realize over the overall healing process is that sometimes we hold onto things for sentimental reasons and rather than helping us they in fact hurt us. While I loved my first husband, we had a very tumultuous relationship in a lot of ways. No, he never physically abused me, but in many ways we did not treat each other with love and respect.

I've gone through several different periods of cleaning out. Before this process I would have held onto everything I could just because it was some link to the past. But as I began the deep soul-searching in my healing I realized that in some of these things the memories are not pleasant at all. So I began to question myself on why I would hold onto things that do not bring me happy memories.

This Spring Cleaning is different from that in that I am not getting rid of bad memories... I am simply getting rid of things that do not have a purpose and a reason to share space with my family and I in our home.

So, in all of this, again, my mind has been whirling. I'm sure by now, if you've read any of my blog, you know that I tend to think things over too much sometimes. So I have been asking myself, "Why? Why do we have all of these things if we do not really need them?" As I've pondered this, I've come to realize a lot of things.

I am not the kind of person that thinks "things" are the key to happiness. I am also one of the rare women who absolutely DETESTS shopping! If I go shopping I go get exactly what I need and get out. I absolutely HATE shopping for clothes with a purple passion because I know I am  going to have to try things on! This just takes up too much of my time!

But yet I still get caught up in this rat race. I too am looking for "satisfaction" in things.

For me I think it is more the "satisfaction of being prepared"... you know, "well, one day I may need this!"

And yet, interestingly enough I am absolutely not a pack-rat! Everything has to have it's place! Unfortunately, too many things have a place!

How often we look for everything in the world to satisfy our soul. We chase fame and fortune, friends, the coolest car, the best job.... the list could go on and on.

We are chasing everything and everyone to give us the satisfaction we crave. There is an overflowing fountain that can and will satisfy every craving of our soul. He is The King of kings! He is a victorious Warrior fighting for us in all that we do. He is The Lord of everything that is, has been or ever will be. He is my Rock. He is my Shelter. He is my very own! He is my blessed Redeemer Who reigns upon the throne! He is indeed the only One Who can satisfy the cravings of my soul.

My Jesus... You alone satisfy all that I need! I have many blessings in my life, but the only true satsifcation is in You.

Lord God, please forgive me for losing sight in the rat-race that is life. I am the world's worst in slowing down. I know that You understand me like no other person ever will. You created me. You know what makes me tick. And You know how to reach me when I'm fluttering around. Most of the time it is through music.

I pray tonight for anyone who reads this blog and sees themselves in anything that I have written. I pray that You will use my passion for writing to bless other lives.

Lord.... tonight I pray for those of the Muslim faith. This has been an issue that has been truly on my heart. I've not known exactly how to pray for them, but it has been a constant on my mind and heart for years. I know that You know my thoughts and prayers even when I do not. Tonight, I put this before You. I pray for the women who are victimized by this religion. I pray for any and all of those who are training to martyr themselves in the hopes of paradise. Lord God, this is nothing but a lie from the very pits of hell! I do not understand how anyone would so freely serve a god who expects them to die and kill others to earn their reward. I pray for the people of this religion- that their eyes will be opened. So many say that they serve the same god we do. No, this is not at all true! You, Lord God, are the God of love and peace and forgiveness! You have never called us to kill unbelievers! You tell us to forgive those who hurt us.  The Muslim god calls for death to those who do not believe as they do.

I continue to pray for Congresswoman Giffords. Continue to heal her heart, mind, body and soul from this vicious attack against her.

I pray for this nation. I pray that we would be united, standing up for what this nation truly stands for!

I pray for our president. Give him wisdom. Humble his heart.

I pray for the nation and people of Israel. There is such a hatred for Your chosen people, Lord God. I know this is foretold in Your Word, but my heart truly aches at the hostility that is directed at them. Protect them and keep them always!

I pray all of these things in the precious Name of Jesus Christ- Amen.

Who Can Satisfy
Words and Music by Dennis Jernigan

Who can satisfy my soul
Who on earth can comfort me
And love me like You do
Who could ever be more faithful and true
I will trust in You
I will trust in You my God

There is a fountain
Who is a King

Victorious warrior and Lord of everything
My rock my shleter my very own
Blessed Redeemer
Who reigns upon the throne

Who could ever be more faithful and true
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
I will trust in You my God

Who reigns upon the throne
Who reigns upon the throne

© 1989 Shepherd's Heart Music, Inc.

This recording is not very good, but the song is AWESOME!
My victorious Warrior reigns upon the throne!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I am in the midst of Spring Cleaning. This year, I have a completely different attitude than I've had in a very long time.

While I've gone through different stages over the years, so much of the time my Spring Cleaning ends up being just getting rid of clothes that no longer fit the kids and doing my really deep cleaning, like behind the refrigerator and things of that nature that are not in my weekly list of chores.

This year, something is different. I am getting rid of so many things that we just do not use!

As I am going through the kids clothes I am amazed at how much we have amassed. God has blessed us beyond measure, in this area! I am all about a bargain, and with 5 children that is an absolute must! A lot of my children's clothes are hand-me-downs, but the ones that are bought for them are without a doubt a bargain! And I am not at all ashamed to say this!

I had hoped to finish my Spring Cleaning this weekend, but, it is not going to happen. I am finding that I am looking at everything differently. If we do not use it or need it, it is going out!

This has brought me to a question within myself. Yes, without a doubt I know that we are blessed beyond measure! However, have these blessings turned into making us nothing more than spoiled brats? I pray that I will never take for granted the many blessings God has given me and my family, but when I sit down and really think about all that we have..... yes, sadly, I do take it all for granted.

Several natural disasters have hit the world in the last couple of years. While yes, there are always natural disasters, in a day and time when there is 24-hour news coverage of these disasters I believe it has a different effect than previously.

When we are inundated with the images of so much grief and destruction... how do we respond? Do we go into a shell and mourn for the loss that others experience? Do we look around at our surroundings and realize that in an instant all that we have can be gone? It is a sobering thought.

Yes, I am blessed beyond measure. But I am also very spoiled.

Lord God, I thank You for Your abundant blessings in my life. While I know that I am not only blessed, but also the realization has hit that I am also very spoiled. It is time for me to get back to the basics. If something is not needed or used or does not have a place in our home, it is time to let it go.I pray that You will help me look through these renewed eyes as I continue this Spring Cleaning.

I pray for this nation. We, as a nation, are blessed beyond measure as well! In this new realization I have become so very sad for America! Very few people realize how blessed we are, I believe. I pray that this nation will wake up before it is too late! I pray that this nation will humble herself before You and praise You for Your endless blessings in this nation.

I pray for our President. I pray for all elected leaders who are making our laws. So many laws of this land are being broken. Lord God, I pray for truth and justice to prevail!

As always, I pray for Congresswoman Giffords. She is truly blessed in her life being spared by the senseless attack on her! I pray that this nation would look upon the miracle of her life and realize the blessing and miracle You have shown us through her.

I pray for the nation and people of Israel. Lord God, every day more and more anger is being hurled upon Your chosen people! Keep them safe, I pray. Hide them in the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 91).

I pray all of these things in the Name of Jesus Christ- Giver of Life and all blessings- Amen!