
Saturday, February 12, 2011


Another Saturday. Another week. Another "anniversary". Another milestone.

Just five weeks ago our country was hit with another tragedy. A member of Congress was shot while out and about, meeting the public she represents.

That event was the catalyst that created this prayer blog.

I could have never imagined just 5 weeks ago, as I sat watching the news that entire weekend, the miracle that God would be performing in the life of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

In the first moments after the tragedy, it was reported that she had died. This literally took my breath away, even though I was not at all familiar with who she was. Thankfully, she did not die, she was rushed into surgery, and her life was saved. Now, she is in extensive rehab.

I continue to pray daily for her full recovery. I have said numerous times I cannot wait to see her walk onto the floor of Congress once again! I know she will receive a standing ovation from her colleagues on Capital Hill, and I'm sure all of America will be giving her a standing ovation as well.

Another Saturday. Lord, I pray that You will continue to heal Congresswoman Giffords. She truly is a miracle. I pray these things in Jesus Name, Amen.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I read a news article today about Oprah saying she "wants respect for Obama". This has not set well with me at all! Respect must be earned, not something you demand! If you do not act in a respectable way, you will not be respected.

Now, let me first say, I have the UTMOST RESPECT for the OFFICE of The President of The United States of America! Before President Obama, I never had a problem- in my lifetime- showing respect for the office. I do not see that President Obama respects the OFFICE he holds! He continually bows to the leaders of other nations, "apologizes" for this nation, has said on numerous occasions that we are not an exceptional country. This does not show respect for the office he was elected to, in my humble opinion! He represents me and every other CITIZEN
of this great nation! If he is not proud of our country, or thinks we are not exceptional, why did he want to be the leader? HE is the one that chose to run for this office!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Tonight, I pray for rest. Yes, the prayer for rest includes myself, but I also pray for rest for this nation.

Last night some friends and I were discussing how we are on information overload. I find it very important to keep up to date with what is going on in the world- especially at a time when things are happening so fast.

I pray that if just for a few hours we can rest our brains and be renewed and refreshed.

I continue to pray for Congresswoman Giffords complete recovery. I also pray for her husband, Mark Kelly, that he would get rest as well. I am sure with all that has gone on in the last month he is quite weary.

I pray these things in Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Once again, today is a day that I had to think about what I would write and pray about. As I have said previously, some days I just know all day what is on my heart, and what I feel God wants me to pray about publicly. Other days it becomes late in the evening and I still have no clue what direction God wants me to go. So I sit and wait on Him.

I am committed to praying every day for this nation. For our people. What started out as a prayer blog for Congresswoman Giffords after she was shot has turned into something very intriguing to me.

Today, for Congresswoman Giffords, I am still singing songs of rejoicing! It was reported that she is now talking. She was able to ask for toast this morning! I bet that had to be the best toast she has ever tasted!

Oh, the things we take for granted! I am sure Congresswoman Giffords never imagined that asking for a piece of toast would become a major milestone in her life. For a woman who has accomplished much in her life, and now represents the people of Arizona in Congress, I am sure she never imagined that her life would change so drastically in a split second.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This afternoon I received a tweet that changed my day!

What started out as a very unbelievably angering day ended in a much different way than it began.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Over the last several years there have been more and more stories of sexual abuse that just boggle my mind. Yes, I know that sexual abuse has happened throughout the ages, and it's just now becoming more talked about. What is shocking to me is how many women are accused of sexually abusing children.

While any sexual abuse is reprehensible, it's almost "expected" that a fair number of girls will be molested in their childhood. It's not right, it's not acceptable at all, but I think there is semblance of "expectation", so to speak, because of the depravity of our society.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today we celebrate the 100th birthday of a true leader, Ronald Reagan.

Oh, how I miss him! This man was a true leader who stood up for his beliefs, recognized the exceptionalism of The United States, and was proud to lead this country.

As I watched the memorial today, actor Gary Sinise told the true story of how he came to be "Ronald Reagan" the movie star in Hollywood. At the time, he went by his nickname, Dutch. When they told him that wouldn't be a good stage name, he did not want a publicist making up a moniker for him, so he said he wanted to go by his real name- Ronald.

To me, this spoke volumes! Even back then, in a world known for glitz, glitter and make-believe, Ronald Reagan was nothing less than authentic.